Monday, 11 May 2015

AP5: self initiated- The unbelievable truth

Heres the version of the film I handed in for marking, its not finished but I did include the animatic for the final parts. The film is animated using Duik, a plug in for after effects that allows you to do a  animation that looks like a more advanced version of cut out animation. The music is from a website that features royalty-free music to download, the downloads are free but if you want to edit the individual instruments in the song then you will have to pay for that file.

Even though I originally pitched more facts, I ended up narrowing it down to three individual facts that I felt where the best


When it comes to how this would be shown, this would either be a short show that is shown during ad breaks for a children's Television channel, such a nickelodeon, or this could be part of a larger factual programme and be short segment shown sometime during it.

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